ProvidesFile `=`^̂40 "E0="E0 "E2="E2 "E7="E7 "E8="E8 "E9="E9 "EA="EA "EB="EB "EE="EE "EF="EF "F4="F4 "F7="F7 "F9="F9 "FB="FB "FC="FC "B8="B8 '33='33 starthyph I will ignore the hyphenation patterns. I will ignore the hyphenation patterns. `=́`´ .â4 'â4 .ab3réa 'ab3réa a1è2dre .ae3s4ch 'ae3s4ch 1alcool a2l1algi .amino1a2c 'amino1a2c .ana3s4tr 'ana3s4tr 1a2nesthési .anti1a2 'anti1a2 .anti1e2 'anti1e2 .anti1é2 .anti2enne 'anti2enne 'anti1é2 .anti1s2 'anti1s2 .apo2s3ta 'apo2s3ta apo2s3tr archi1é2pis .as2ta 'as2ta a2s3tro 1bâ .bai2se3main 1bé 1bè 1bê 4bes. 2bent. 1bî .bi1a2c .bi1a2t .bi1au .bio1a2 .bi2s1a2 .bi1u2 4ble. 4bles. 2blent. 1bô 4bre. 4bres. 2brent. 1bû 1cc!!e7Hyphenation pattern file corrupted 1câ ca3ou3t2 1cé 1cè 1cê 4ces. 2cent. ja3cent. ac3cent. é3cent. munifi3cent. réti3cent. privatdo3cent. inno3cent. es3cent. acquies4cent. is3cent. immis4cent. 4che. 4ches. 2chent. .chè2vre3feuille 4chle. 4chles. chlo2r3a2c chlo2r3é2t 4chre. 4chres. 1cî .ci2s1alp 4cke. 4ckes. 2ckent. 2ck3h 4cle. 4cles. 2clent. 1cô co1acc co1acq co1a2d co1ap co1ar co1assoc co1assur co1au co1ax 1c!!f70 1c!![ co1é2 co1ef co1en co1ex .con4 .cons4 .contre1s2c .contre3maître co2nurb .co1o2 .co2o3lie 4cre. 4cres. 2crent. 1cû .cul4 1dâ .dacryo1a2 d1d2h 1dé 1dè 1dê 4des. 2dent. déca3dent. é3dent. cci3dent. inci3dent. confi3dent. tri3dent. dissi3dent. chien3dent. .ar3dent. impu3dent. pru3dent. .dé1a2 .dé1io .dé1o2 .dé2s .dé3s2a3cr .dés2a3m .dé3s2a3tell .dé3s2astr .dé3s2c .dé2s1é2 .dé3s2é3gr .dé3s2ensib .dé3s2ert .dé3s2exu .dé2s1i2 .dé3s2i3d .dé3s2i3gn .dé3s2i3li .dé3s2i3nen .dé3s2invo .dé3s2i3r .dé3s2ist .dé3s2o3dé .dé2s1!!f70 .dé2s1!![ .dé3s2o3l .dé3s2o3pil .dé3s2orm .dé3s2orp .dé3s2oufr .dé3s2p .dé3s2t .dé2s1u2n 3d2hal 3d2houd 1dî di2s3cop .di1a2cé .di1a2cid dia2g3n .di1ald .di1a2mi .di1a2tom .di1e2n .di2s3h 2dlent. 1dô 4dre. 4dres. 2drent. 1dû .dy2s3 .dy2s1a2 .dy2s1i2 .dy2s1o2 .dy2s1u2 .ê4 'ê4 .é4 'é4 .è4 'è4 1é2drie 1é2drique 1é2lectr 1é2lément .en1a2 'en1a2 1é2nerg e2n1i2vr .en1o2 'en1o2 épi2s3cop épi3s4cope e2s3cop .eu2r1a2 'eu2r1a2 eu1s2tat extra1 extra2c extra2i 1fâ 1fé 1fè 1fê 4fes. 2fent. 1fî 4fle. 4fles. 2flent. 1fô 4fre. 4fres. 2frent. 1fû 1gâ 1gé 1gè 1gê 4ges. 2gent. ré3gent. entre3gent. indi3gent. dili3gent. intelli3gent. indul3gent. tan3gent. rin3gent. contin3gent. .ar3gent. 'ar3gent. ser3gent. ter3gent. résur3gent. 1g2ha 1g2he 1g2hi 1g2ho 1g2hy 1gî 4gle. 4gles. 2glent. 1g2n .sta2g3n wa2g3n 4gne. 4gnes. 2gnent. 1gô 4gre. 4gres. 2grent. 1gû 4gue. 4gues. 2guent. .on3guent. 'on3guent. 1hâ 1hé 1hè 1hê hémi1é hémo1p2t 4hes. 1hî 1hô 1hû hypera2 hypere2 hyperé2 hyperi2 hypero2 hypers2 hype4r1 hyperu2 hypo1a2 hypo1e2 hypo1é2 hypo1i2 hypo1o2 hypo1s2 hypo1u2 .î4 'î4 i1algi i1arthr i1è2dre il2l cil3l rcil4l ucil4l vacil4l gil3l hil3l lil3l l3lion mil3l mil4let émil4l semil4l rmil4l armil5l capil3l papil3la papil3le papil3li papil3lom pupil3l piril3l thril3l cyril3l ibril3l pusil3l .stil3l distil3l instil3l fritil3l boutil3l vanil3lin vanil3lis vil3l avil4l chevil4l uevil4l uvil4l xil3l 1informat .in1a2 'in1a2 .in2a3nit 'in2a3nit .in2augur 'in2augur .in1e2 'in1e2 .in1é2 'in1é2 .in2effab 'in2effab .in2é3lucta 'in2é3lucta .in2é3narra 'in2é3narra .in2ept 'in2ept .in2er 'in2er .in2exora 'in2exora .in1i2 'in1i2 .in2i3miti 'in2i3miti .in2i3q 'in2i3q .in2i3t 'in2i3t .in1o2 'in1o2 .in2o3cul 'in2o3cul .in2ond 'in2ond .in1s2tab 'in1s2tab 'inte4r3 .intera2 'intera2 .intere2 'intere2 .interé2 'interé2 .interi2 'interi2 .intero2 'intero2 .inte4r3 .interu2 'interu2 .inters2 'inters2 .in1u2 'in1u2 .in2uit 'in2uit .in2u3l 'in2u3l io1a2ct i1oxy i1s2tat 4jes. 2jent. 1kâ 1ké 1kè 1kê 4kes. 2kent. 1kî 1kô 1kû 1lâ 1là la2w3re 1lé 1lè 1lê 4les. 2lent. .ta3lent. iva3lent. équiva4lent. monova3lent. polyva3lent. re3lent. .do3lent. indo3lent. inso3lent. turbu3lent. succu3lent. fécu3lent. trucu3lent. opu3lent. corpu3lent. ru3lent. sporu4lent. 1lî 1lô l1s2t 1lû 1mâ .ma2c3k .macro1s2c .ma2l1a2dres .ma2l1a2dro .ma2l1aisé .ma2l1ap .ma2l1a2v .ma2l1en .ma2l1int .ma2l1oc .ma2l1o2d .ma2r1x 1mé 1mè 1mê .mé2g1oh .mé2sa .mé3san .mé2s1es .mé2s1i .mé2s1u2s .méta1s2ta 4mes. â2ment. da2ment. fa2ment. amalga2ment. cla2ment. ra2ment. tempéra3ment. ta2ment. testa3ment. qua2ment. è2ment. carê2ment. diaphrag2ment. ryth2ment. ai2ment. rai3ment. abî2ment. éci2ment. vidi2ment. subli2ment. éli2ment. reli2ment. mi2ment. ani2ment. veni2ment. ri2ment. détri3ment. nutri3ment. inti2ment. esti2ment. l2ment. flam2ment. gram2ment. .gem2ment. om2ment. .com3ment. ô2ment. slalo2ment. chro2ment. to2ment. ar2ment. .sar3ment. er2ment. antifer3ment. .ser3ment. fir2ment. or2ment. as2ment. au2ment. écu2ment. fu2ment. hu2ment. fichu3ment. llu2ment. plu2ment. bou2ment. bru2ment. su2ment. tu2ment. 1mî .milli1am 1m2némo 1m2nès 1m2nési 1mô 1m!!f70 1m!![ .mono1a2 .mono1e2 .mono1é2 .mono1i2 .mono1ï2dé .mono1o2 .mono1u2 .mono1s2 mon2t3réal 1mû moye2n1â2g 1nâ 1né 1nè 1nê 4nes. 2nent. réma3nent. imma3nent. perma3nent. .émi3nent. préémi3nent. proémi3nent. surémi3nent. immi3nent. conti3nent. perti3nent. absti3nent. 1nî 1nô 1n!!f70 1n!![ .no2n1obs 1nû n3s2at. n3s2ats. 'ô4 .ô4 o2b3long 1octet o1d2l o1è2dre o1ioni ombud2s3 omni1s2 o1s2tas o1s2tat o1s2téro o1s2tim o1s2tom o1s2trad o1s2tratu o1s2triction .oua1ou 'oua1ou .ovi1s2c 'ovi1s2c oxy1a2 1pâ paléo1é2 .pa2n1a2f .pa2n1a2mé .pa2n1a2ra .pa2n1is .pa2n1o2ph .pa2n1opt .pa2r1a2che .pa2r1a2chè .para1s2 .pa2r3hé 1pé 1pè 1pê 4pes. 2pent. re3pent. .ar3pent. 'ar3pent. ser3pent. .pen2ta per3h pé2nul .pe4r .per1a2 .per1e2 .per1é2 .per1i2 .per1o2 .per1u2 pé1r2é2q .péri1os .péri1s2 .péri2s3s .péri2s3ta .péri1u2 .phalan3s2t 4phe. 4phes. 2phent. 4phle. 4phles. photo1s2 4phre. 4phres. 3ph2talé 3ph2tis 1pî 4ple. 4ples. 2plent. .pluri1a 1p2né 1p2neu 1pô po1astre poly1a2 poly1e2 poly1é2 poly1è2 poly1i2 poly1o2 poly1s2 poly1u2 .pon2tet .pos2t3h .pos2t1in .pos2t1o2 .pos2t3r .post1s2 4pre. 4pres. 2prent. .pré1a2 .pré2a3la .pré2au .pré1é2 .pré1e2 .pré1i2 .pré1o2 .pré1u2 .pré1s2 .pro1é2 .pro1s2cé pro2s3tat .prou3d2h 1p2sych .psycho1a2n 1p2tèr 1p2tér .pud1d2l 1pû 4que. 4ques. 2quent. é3quent. élo3quent. grandilo3quent. 1râ radio1a2 1ré 1rè 1rê .ré1a2 .ré2a3le .ré2a3lis .ré2a3lit .ré2aux .ré1é2 .ré1e2 .ré2el .ré2er .ré2èr .ré1i2 .ré2i3fi .ré1o2 .re1s2 .re2s3cap .re2s3cisi .re2s3ciso .re2s3cou .re2s3cri .re2s3pect .re2s3pir .re2s3plend .re2s3pons .re2s3quil .re2s3s .re2s3t .re3s4tab .re3s4tag .re3s4tand .re3s4tat .re3s4tén .re3s4tér .re3s4tim .re3s4tip .re3s4toc .re3s4top .re3s4tr .re4s5trein .re4s5trict .re4s5trin .re3s4tu .re3s4ty .réu2 .ré2uss .rétro1a2 4res. 2rent. .pa3rent. appa3rent. transpa3rent. é3rent. tor3rent. cur3rent. 4rhe. 4rhes. 2r3heur 2r3hydr 1rî 1rô 1rû 1sâ .sch4 1s2caph 1s2clér 1s2cop 1s2ch e2s3ch i2s3ché i2s3chia i2s3chio 4sch. 4sche. 4sches. 2schs 1sé 1sè 1sê sesqui1a2 4ses. 2sent. ab3sent. pré3sent. .res3sent. .seu2le 4she. 4shes. 2shent. 2s3hom 1sî 1s2lav 1s2lov 1sô 1s!!f70 1s!![ 1s2patia 1s2perm 1s2por 1s2phèr 1s2phér 1s2piel 1s2piros 1s2tandard 1s2tein stéréo1s2 1s2tigm 1s2tock 1s2tomos 1s2troph 1s2tructu 1s2tyle 1sû .su2b1a2 .su3b2alt .su2b1é2 .su3b2é3r .su2b1in .su2b3limin .su2b3lin .su2b3lu sub1s2 .su2b1ur supero2 supe4r1 supers2 .su2r1a2 su3r2ah .su3r2a3t .su2r1e2 .su3r2eau .su3r2ell .su3r2et .su2r1é2 .su2r3h .su2r1i2m .su2r1inf .su2r1int .su2r1of .su2r1ox 1tâ 1tà tachy1a2 tchin3t2 1té 1tè 1tê télé1e2 télé1i2 télé1o2b télé1o2p télé1s2 4tes. 2tent. .la3tent. .pa3tent. compé3tent. éni3tent. mécon3tent. omnipo3tent. ventripo3tent. équipo3tent. impo3tent. mit3tent. 4the. 4thes. thermo1s2 2t3heur 2thl 4thre. 4thres. 1tî 1tô tran2s1a2 tran3s2act tran3s2ats tran2s3h tran2s1o2 tran2s3p tran2s1u2 4tre. 4tres. 2trent. .tri1a2c .tri1a2n .tri1a2t .tri1o2n t1t2l 1tû tung2s3 .û4 'û4 uni1o2v uni1a2x u2s3tr 1vâ 1vé 1vè 1vê vélo1s2ki 4ves. 2vent. conni3vent. .sou3vent. 1vî 1vô vol2t1amp 4vre. 4vres. 2vrent. 1vû 4wes. 2went. 2xent. y1asth y1s2tom y1algi 1zé 1zè 4zes. 2zent. privatdo3zent.